Prosthetic Legs And Choosing Socks

If you have recently received a prosthetic leg, then your orthopedist will give you a great deal of information on how to use the device. And, you will undoubtedly hear that the only way to get used to the artificial limb is to use it daily. This can cause some discomfort. To reduce pain and pressure, you will need to wear a sock on the leg stump. Keep reading to learn about some prosthetic sock tips to ensure the best prosthetic limb experience.

Experiment With Thickness

Your leg stump will heal over the course of many months. And, it can take up to a year or more for the healing process to fully complete. This means that the stump will be swollen at first and then it will shrink down. This can change the way that the prosthetic device feels when secured in place. Since your orthopedist will want you to start using your artificial limb as soon as possible, you will notice that the fit becomes loose over time. 

A loose prosthetic can lead to skin breakdown and open sores on the stump. So, you want to experiment with different sock thicknesses as you go through the healing process. To start, you want to get the thinner sock that fits more like a stocking on the stump end. This is a one-ply sock and it is the standard one that is worn when using prosthetics

Two, three, and four-ply socks are also available and you can use these socks over the one-ply sock to increase thickness when the prosthetic starts to feel loose. You can layer as many as three socks over the stump. However, if you do this, then you need to be aware of moisture build-up. All socks should be breathable ones that are replaced as soon as you notice that they are damp. 

Consider Gel Socks

If thick socks are not enough to provide you with the cushioning and protection you need, then you can choose to wear more substantial gel socks. These are socks that contain a thick silicone gel that is sandwiched between two pieces of fabric or nylon sheathing. The gel comes in different thicknesses and with more gel, the stump is protected better from pressure and friction. 

Gel socks are also ideal when pressure is uneven along with the stump. The gel will shift to fill in areas that are more open and will thin out in tighter spots. The gel will also ensure a cooler fit to minimize moisture and the development of rashes and sores.  
