
You Could Have Hip Dysplasia Without Knowing

Pain in your hip or groin area may be due to un-diagnosed hip dysplasia, and this condition will likely not get better in the future. If you weren't diagnosed as a young child, chances are that you have unknowingly had this condition for years without any problem until you got older. Here is more information about hip dysplasia, its signs and symptoms, and how an orthopedic surgeon can help. What is Hip Dysplasia?

When Shoulder Replacement Surgery Might Be The Best Treatment Option

If you've had a shoulder injury or have arthritis in your shoulder, your doctor may talk to you about having shoulder replacement surgery. Sometimes, replacing the joint is the only way to relieve pain that's caused from joint deterioration. Shoulder replacement surgery could improve your quality of life and allow you to resume activities you had to give up. Here's a look at when this surgery might be a good option for you.

Five Signs You Need To Consult An Orthopedic Surgeon

There are hundreds of bones and joints in your body, and you also have to think about the muscles and connective tissues, among others. If any of these parts of your body is not as it should be, your discomfort levels could vary from a mild ache to acute pain. As if that's not bad enough, there's also the possibility that the pain could get worse. Injuries of the musculoskeletal system should always be addressed as early as possible.

How To Prevent Osteoporosis In Your 60's While You Are In Your 20's

Bone loss is a natural result of aging. Unfortunately, the effects of bone loss are usually not noticeable until it is too late. Therefore, you will want to focus on prevention rather than cure when handling osteoporosis. Exercise is an essential aspect of prevention, as well as consuming enough calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin D And Calcium An essential aspect of avoiding osteoporosis is by consuming vitamin D and calcium regularly.

Rehabilitation And Exercises For Maintaining Independence

As medical technology increases lifespans, it is important to also extend quality of life. Most seniors want - above all else - to stay in their homes. A few simple geriatric exercises, and important rehabilitation after any falls, injuries, or sicknesses, can make independence last for the longest time possible. Exercises to Extend Health As you age, your vision, balance, and dexterity decrease, leading to risk of falls or other injuries.